Sunday, August 30, 2009

[Courtney Brooke Photography]
look her up.
tell her how awesome
her work is.

all the lonely people, where do they all belong.


Saturday, August 29, 2009

if my life were a tv show
this song would play everytime i woke up.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sunday, August 23, 2009


round up the troops.
were coming for you soon.

minor details.

i leave for home tomorrow.
im not ready to go back.
this weekend has been nice.
just what i needed.
cant wait to look at the pics
all over again.


im in love with this camera.
i need this camera in my life.

Friday, August 21, 2009


leaving for the weekend.
should be nice.
nice getaway
from the crazziness
of this town.
i want to take picturessss.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

a bastards work is never done.

inglorious bastards.

this friday.

things is changing.

this has been a whirlwind summer.
crazy crazy crazy.
running on beer
and late nights.
lots of ups & downs.
tears drama laughs kisses.
one of our own
is leaving tomorrow.
but its not goodbye.
its a well see you soon mayne.
i love it all.
i love them all.
theyre my guys.


i see your hair is burning.

i miss you and your doors cds
what happened to those days?
what happened to you?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

land before time.

ahhh. thanks ondemand for giving
this movie to me tonight.
its like watching my child hood
in techni color.
so nostalgic.
i remember watching the shit out of this movie
when i was a wee tot.
oh man.
this is amazing.
ducky was my favorite.

sleepless nights.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

im coming for you.

im back on the market
and it feels so good.
its like i just realized how single i am.
hell always be in the back of my mind
but its time to fully move on
and find my happiness.

i want to see

the clothes and lifestyle in this movie
will be fucking amazing.
i hope this movie will be awesome.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

my ghosts keep me awake.

sleepless in atlanta.
i can feel it.
hopefully if i get this job
then my sleep pattern will get back on track.

i need a cigarette.

bunny where is your puzzle peice?

today felt weird. off.
i couldnt place it.
i felt melonchaly all day.
i felt like something was missing
like i should have been somewhere else
or doing something else.

maybe its because zak went home.
maybe its because tonight has been
the first night in a while that i havent
drank at grays with everyone.
maybe its because i actually spent all day
with my mom.
maybe its because i didnt have a cigarette
all day today.
maybe its because i havent had a beer
in about 3 days..

i dont know.
i miss the comfort of whatever is gone.

Monday, August 10, 2009


some beer would be nice.


ive stayed up all night. yet agian.
saturday night was spent with a few
of my favorite people talking and being
dirty, unimpressed 20 somethings in the middle of the dark streets.
then we went inside and talked all night. time flies so fast.
i left around 8am because i didnt want to oversleep
since i borrowed the car i was riding.
got home and pretty much slapt all day.
and here i am again. hopefully i dont sleep all day today.
i need to get back on track. blehh..

theres always things in this world that you want so bad.
but some things work best if you let them go.
my patience sucks and i cant wait to see if
you ever return or not.

you better hurry up before its too late.

kurt and courtney

ive never seen this picture before.
i thought it was cute.

summers fading.

i cant wait till fall/winter. i need a change of scenery.
its too hot. i want to grow my hair out. i want a snuggle bunny.
i want huge clothes that swallow me up with black tights
covering my twig legs. it should be fall year round.
until i get tired of it.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

what's your daignonesense?

so apparently i have adult ADD.
that explains alot i guess..

i'll break you down one of these days.

and then ill let you cry in my arms and kiss your forehead.


we fuss and fight like we mean what we say but its still passion none the less. the passion afterwards will be nice i suppose.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

why is bunny always so sad?

im a child at heart. i dont think ill ever grow up fully. i never entend to hurt or to upset. im a child seeing everything in the world for the first time. im a child that rarely learns from my mistakes. im a child that thinks she can do anything and falls flat on her butt. everyone is always gloating about how they have become so mature, how they have changed. how come this child can see right through all of you? how come i can see that no you havent changed a damn bit and you sure as hell arent anymore mature then you were 2 years ago? why do i see all this if im such this immature feeble being?

at this age we are all children. were babies trying to play house and play grown up. if i see all this around me maybe its not so bad being seen as the immature feeble one. it will all blow up in your face one day and i will laugh to myself when you realize you dont have everyhting figured out the way you think you do.

no mas tequila por favor.

Hi, I'm Bunny.

All pictures used in my blog are from google/flickr/etc.
i do not own the rights to any of these photos and if you have any problems or concerns with me using anything that you see here, please let me know. xo